Hello, I’m
Marek Muc FCCA
I’m an Independent IFRS Consultant with 15+ years of experience in corporate reporting and technical accounting under IFRS. You can find a comprehensive overview of my career in my resume.
I offer professional IFRS services, including:
- Providing support on day-to-day technical accounting issues.
- Preparing accounting position papers for complex or unusual transactions.
- Reviewing audit documentation.
- Formulating and updating accounting policies.
- Producing and revising accounting manuals.
- Developing and managing accounting spreadsheets (including impairment tests, deferred tax calculations, business combinations, consolidation, etc.).
- Designing and delivering customised training and development programmes.
- Assisting in first-time adoption of IFRS.
You can reach me via:
- Email at marek@marekmuc.com
I’m looking forward to working together!